ROCK ISLAND IS A REAL PLACE, ALBEIT IN THE MIND OF ONE TORTURED AND ABANDONED SOUL. THIS IS A TRUE STORY. THE NAMES HAVE NOT BEEN CHANGED. Back in 1960, a little girl was born. Little is a key word, in fact the child was born very small, 5lbs, 6 ozs. Against all odds of survival, the baby, Precious, was born. Born to two parents. One, the mother, a depressed soul, unable to cope with the world, and the father, a sadistic son-of-a-bitch, who's greatest pleasure in life would to have the baby girl dead. Dead because of one thing: HE NEVER BELIEVED THAT THE DARLING CHILD WHO HAD HIS FEATURES, HIS BLUE EYES, HIS HAIR, WAS INDEED HIS CHILD. See, back in 1957, after the death of his son, Robert Valentine, he chose to have a vasectomy. It seems that the doctor did not do the job well, as the baby girl was born. The child's mother had never been with any other man, only her husband. Here we find the beginning. The beginning of ROCK ISLAND. Rock Island is a place. A real place tucked deep within the mind. A safe place. A place of beauty and peace. A place where tea and cookies are served, the flowers bloom and scent the air. Where no harm can ever come. The family story told is that the baby girl always cried. But, why did she cry? Just about as the baby girl reached the age of 2 months, the father decided that the girl should not live. And thus, placed a pillow over the baby to stop her from breathing, from crying, from living, from being. Who would know? The baby would be buried next to the baby girl born in October 1957. As the pillow was placed over the baby girl's face, she tried to cry, to call for the mother. All light was gone, the eyes grew black. Then the eyes began to see lights, blue, red, yellow, white. A vision much like that of a picture from the Hubble telescope of a galaxy. The infantile horror began. Without words to place the horror, or the mind to contain it, the child lost the lights, the sounds, the feel of the pillow. Another mind, another child emerged. This child had no memory of the horror, only the vision of a mother pulling a pillow from her face, a horror in her eyes, "what's going on?" This, the second child, Baby Bunting, one in a line of many silently opened his eyes. The first child, alive and living, slept peacefully in a place later to be known as Rock Island. You see, A ROCK FEELS NO PAIN, and an ISLAND NEVER CRIES The child, Precious grew. 1999. 38 years later..................... Precious, as she is called by those who love and protect her lives on Rock Island. In a beautiful house, where flowers bloom, the air smells of peaches and lavendar. Her friends come by, have tea and shortbread cookies and visit. She has no memory of the horrors of life. The torture of the childhood she began. Paul, PJ and Meri-Joe visit her. They bring with them stories and companionship. They also visit for a reason unknown to Precious.  |  | click here to play sound Paul, PJ, and Meri-Joe are part of the internal security team. Along with their visits they inspect and check out the sights and sounds. Making sure that no sound from outside,no horrors from the past, no sight from the outside, no sights from the past can make it to the solitude and peace of Rock Island You see, the inhabitants of ones mind can, and do exhist. They are real people, inside the minds own world, and in the real world as well.Only one, UNEXPECTED happening happened. One that would begin to change the world Precious has known.......LOVE!!!!!! After years of bad husband choosing, and years of insanity. There were eight years of solitude. No men in the live. Only the children who are being raised by the inhabitants of her body, there are 4 'body children'. Eight years safe from men, and abuse. OH NO, MR. BILL!!! Bill fell in love with them. The presenting alter personalities tried in desperation to make him leave. Bill was given a letter, told of the seeming insanity, the inside people, the chaos. Unstoppable, Bill still loved what only he could see, and one evening, whlie sitting near him, near his arms Bill whispered, "My precious". !!! Before any inside could react, Precious, feeling the safness of Bill, the love and security, floated past Meri-Joe. Floated into the arms of a MAN! The arms of a man!!! Arms that had meant pain and torture in the past!!!! With no memory of abuse. No memory of being near death at the hands of a man, Precious went willingly and without reserve melted into the arms of Bill. After nearly 40 years of protection by the insiders, Precious is safe and protected by an outsider, it seems to be time to give her her own life back. Yet, the insiders question if Precious can handle the real world, and how she will survive. Precious is small, and weak, and frail. Much akin, it seems to Melanie Wilkes from 'Gone With The Wind'. For now, Precious only "comes out" while in the arms of her love, Bill, The question is: Just how do they begin to stop doing their job? A job they have been doing, for over 38 years. Others nearly 40 years. How can they give Precious her life without giving her the memories of the pains. The memories of the abundant abuses. The torture, the near deaths? They wonder, and they debate. They argue the facts. some cannot believe that she, Precious could withstand the memories. They are in fact, her memories, her life. A life lived by others to protect her.
